Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Killing Floor

I read Killing Floor by Lee Child at the suggestion of a friend and colleague, Mrs. Tricia Smith. We were chatting about books we were reading and she mentioned that she was currently deep into the Jack Reacher series. I had never heard of the series, but I knew there was a new movie coming out soon called Jack Reacher. So, I figured I'd pick up a copy of Killing Floor and read it, as it was the first of the series. Unfortunately, I was unable to find a copy of that book. It appears that it was going to be re-released sometime in the near future and the only other addition I could find was as an e-book. Fortunately, however, I found a lot of 5 Jack Reacher novels for $12 on ebay.

I really enjoyed the novel. It was a fun read. It wasn't anything too deep, but was full of action. Reacher is an ex-military policeman who stumbles into strange situation in a small town in Georgia. He's a bit of a drifter who just happened to visit the town to find the fate of a bluesman whose music he enjoyed. What follows is an action-packed mystery.

The story seemed to be a bit better thought out than some James Patterson novels I had read, although I could find some comparisons between the two authors' writing styles. Overall, it was good and I look forward to reading more of the Jack Reacher series.

Killing Floor

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