The Enemy is the eighth installment of the Jack Reacher novel by Lee Child. This book, unlike the others thus far, takes place while Reacher is still employed by the U.S. Army. In this book, Reacher has been relocated to Fort Bird in North Carolina and is the major Military Police presence on the base. After the mysterious death of an army general, Reacher is pulled into a mysterious web of intrigue that involves more murders and plenty of deceit. Reacher approaches this investigation with his usual no nonsense, devil-may-care attitude and makes plenty of enemies along the way. The real question, of course, is who is really behind the mystery.
This book is rather intriguing as it provides some insight into Reacher earlier in his career. Typically, his military career is told in flashback and in this novel, we get to see some of it unfold over the course of the narrative. I found it particularly enjoyable for that reason, and because Reacher interacts with his mother and brother, Joe. This is definitely a must read for anyone who is a fan of the series or is interested in Reacher as a character.
The Enemy
This book is rather intriguing as it provides some insight into Reacher earlier in his career. Typically, his military career is told in flashback and in this novel, we get to see some of it unfold over the course of the narrative. I found it particularly enjoyable for that reason, and because Reacher interacts with his mother and brother, Joe. This is definitely a must read for anyone who is a fan of the series or is interested in Reacher as a character.
The Enemy
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